Mumbai, Noted Indian fashion designers, including Sabyasachi Mukherjee, JJ Valaya and Gaurav Gupta, as well as Bollywood celebrities like Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Sushmita Sen have condoled the death of renowned designer Rohit Bal. Bal, one of India’s most celebrated fashion designers, died on Friday at a South Delhi hospital following a heart attack at the age of 63. Sabyasachi, one of the most influential designers in India, expressed admiration for Bal, and said, “Rest in Peace Rohit Bal.

You were much loved and admired by all of us at Sabyasachi.” Designer JJ Valaya bid adieu to his friend and said on Instagram, “Goodbye my friend..

.” Gupta posted a picture with Bal and wrote, "Forever Gudda." Bal was fondly called Gudda by his friends and contemporaries as well as many top stars in Bollywood.

Designers Rahul Mishra and Bibhu Mohapatra praised Bal as a mentor and legendary figure, saying his “magic will live forever”. “A great mentor and a beautiful human. Gone too soon,” Mishra said.

Masaba Gupta wrote, “RIP 1961 to 2024.” Designer Shane Peacock of label Falguni Shane Peacock wrote “RIP RohitBal.” Sen, a prominent figure in the entertainment world, shared a touching tribute that highlighted Bal's pioneering spirit.

She posted a photograph of the two of them walking the runway together, “What an indomitable spirit & what a pioneer!! Rest in peace #rohitbal,” the “Aarya” star said. “Gone too young. Rest peacefully #RohitBal,” Chopra s.