Far-right thugs are planning to target the home of a vulnerable elderly woman after mistaking her house for an immigration lawyer’s office. The 88-year-old’s family have begged potential rioters to stay away from their “Nana” in West Bridgford, Nottingham, after her address was discovered on a list of 60 immigration centres with a message suggesting they should be the target of demonstrations on Wednesday. Nottinghamshire Police warned those seeking to attend that the address being circulated on Telegram had no links whatsoever to any immigration businesses.

The woman’s granddaughter posted on X: “Friends in Nottingham, My dad is a freelance immigration advisor. His business address is registered at my Nana's house in West Bridgford where she lives by herself. “The far-right fascist groups are now targeting immigration services across the UK.

“They have published my Nana's address as their Nottingham target on Wednesday night at 8pm.” She added: “My Nana is 88 years old, she suffered a collapsed lung earlier this year and has lost a lot of her mobility. “I have no words to describe how it feels watching the hate unfold every day back home, let alone worrying about the safety of my family.

“Thank you to the beautiful, kind strangers that have found my dad's number to warn him of the attack. “If you live nearby, PLEASE AVOID THE AREA. Look after yourselves and look after people of colour who should not be made to feel scared, vulnerable and outcast by .