Farhan Akhtar, Bollywood filmmaker, actor, and singer, is going to direct the next installment of the franchise. Recently, Akhtar spoke about casting Ranveer Singh in the upcoming movie. For those who don’t know, Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic (1978) was remade as a franchise by Akhtar with Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role in the first two installments.

In a new interview, Akhtar said he had to recast the role because of the screenplay they were writing. He added that this will offer Singh a chance to show a side of himself that has never been seen on screen. In a chat with Raj Shamani on his YouTube channel, Akhtar explained why he cast Singh and said, “The kind of script that we were writing, what I wanted to do with it.

.. It’s too early to speak about it unfortunately so I can’t go into details, but it needed this next generation actor in it.

” When asked why he chose Singh, Akhtar said he’s a “charming guy.” He continued, “Ranveer is mischievous, just full of energy, which is what we need and he is..

. I feel when it comes to this aspect of his performance, it’s still untapped. Like, I don’t think he has done a role like this.

” Farhan Akhtar said that Singh has largely done loud characters “with the exception of Lootera.” “His characters, because of who he is, they have been written for him, for that reason, are very external. They are loud characters.

They are big characters where he has the histrionics and everything. Don requires a very differen.