Olivia “Liv” Harlow, 25, was 32 weeks pregnant with her second daughter when her vision blurred. Later, she visited a hospital where doctors gave her a “pregnancy safe scan” and then sent her home. But her health worsened, and she began experiencing intensely painful headaches.

Then on June 16 at 37 weeks pregnant, Harlow of Brisbane, Australia, learned her baby, Adeline, had died. Still, her headaches and blurry vision persisted and days later, her partner, Ryan Stephenson, found her unconscious on the floor. “The hospital conducted full CT scans and all relevant tests, and the results showed that Liv had multiple masses in her head/brain and on her lungs,” her sister-in-law Stefanie Harlow, 32, of North Queensland, Australia, tells TODAY.

com via email. “She had a large mass to the back of her head ..

. that caused her to stop breathing etc. Hence, her unresponsive state.

This large (mass) had also ruptured.” Doctors told the family that Liv Harlow was “brain dead” and they said goodbye to her. “The doctors could not explain why in 26 days, she had nothing in the original scan and then by the second scan she had so many of these masses,” Stefanie Harlow says.

“They said they’d never seen anything like it.” Liv Harlow grew up in a small rural town and enjoyed competing in equestrian events with her horse. In school, she earned good grades and dreamed of being a lawyer.

After graduating, she worked as a governess at cattle stations in Western Queen.