The Peaks Challenge, led by the family of the 24-year-old from Iver, aims to remember Ryan and raise funds for Sarcoma UK. Ryan courageously lived with osteosarcoma, a rare type of bone tumour, for eight years from the age of 15. After discovering the disease in 2015, he persevered with his education and supported others, despite his health challenges.

Even numerous surgeries and rounds of chemotherapy didn't halt his quest to complete his Biomedical degree at King's College London. His mother, Herrinder Kaur, remembered her son's indomitable spirit fondly. She said: "He took it all in his stride.

“He never said 'why me?' A couple of days after he had chemotherapy he would go to the gym. "He inspired so many people." Tejinder Balra, Ryan's dad, echoed this sentiment.

He said: "Ryan continues to inspire me through life, a truly brave son whose attitude to life was unique, my warrior son!" Sadly, Ryan's health deteriorated, and he passed away in November 2023. Despite their overwhelming loss, his parents continue to hold onto the strength their son exemplified. "Losing Ryan was the end of my world, but he equipped us with the skills we need every day.

"He has given us the strength to take one day at a time," Herrinder said. "Member of the family and friends will undertake the Three Peaks Challenge, an adventure Ryan wished to embark on. "Slated for August 9, the 24-hour challenge will involve climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Mount Snowdon.

"The group, aged 17 to 61, aims .