Family of girl, 12, who killed herself due to bullying call for justice e-mail View comments The family of a 12-year-old girl who committed suicide after being bullied at a school in Sydney , Australia, have spoken out. Charlotte, a seventh-grade student at Santa Sabina College, took her own life earlier this month. The family issued a statement on Monday to Australian radio host Ben Fordham , demanding for justice.

SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Heartbreaking: Charlotte, 12, took her own life earlier this month after being bullied at school The statement read: 'Earlier this week our family experienced a day that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. We lost our baby girl in the most awful of circumstances. She was just 12 years old.

'No words can ever describe what it's like for us, and it will never be the same again. Charlotte has left such a big hole in our lives, and she's so deeply, deeply missed. 'The reports you have received are correct.

My daughter was bullied by girls that still attend the school today. She wrote a goodbye note specifically mentioning the bullying she received at the school.' Tragic: Charlotte's family said they were once asked to pick her up from school because she had been crying in the toilets The statement continued: 'She said life was too difficult for her to continue.

When the most recent case of bullying was raised, the school simply said it was investigated and the girls denied it. That's it. Case closed.

Move on. 'Well my beautiful daughter's li.