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When I first saw pictures of Fallout: London, I was impressed. There was an acute sense of detail. I recognised train stations and pubs from near where I grew up, and the whole expansion gave off this quintessentially British aroma that I couldn’t ignore (lager, body odour, and petrol.

) I didn’t think it could get more Blighty than that, but now that has announced that the former Speaker of the House of Commons will be voice acting in-game, it somehow has. John Bercow is the politician in question, who resigned from the House in 2019 due to his . Following that, he joined The Labour Party before being suspended after bullying allegations, appeared in 2023’s series of The Traitors, and is now set to feature in a volunteer project for a video game mod.

What a series of events. If you’re not well-versed in British politics, the reason you might find the former Speaker familiar is thanks to the viral meme he was central too back in 2019. After a backbencher shouts , Bercow has no option but to restore order with a bit of a tongue-in-cheek shout of .

It’s weird, funny, as ponce-y and arbitrary as British politics gets, and it’s some of Bercow’s finest work. calls him “the man that shouts ‘Order!’ when UK Parliament gets chaotic.” John Bercow is one of a few very high-profile names starring in Fallout: London.

When you start p.