Florence is kicking off the holiday season early with their first Fall Fest – All Things Oregon, on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 9 and 10. This two-day celebration is designed to be an experiential immersion of over 50 Oregon artisans, culinarians, woodcrafters, wildcrafters, and adventuresome vendors.

Fest hours run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.

m., indoors in the event spaces at the north end of Driftwood Shores Resort & Conference Center and in a central building in the center of the property. There will be signage and event flags to indicate vendor buildings.

This isn’t just an ordinary craft fair, but will also feature unique outdoor activities for the whole family. Both Saturday and Sunday, and back by popular demand, Denny Dyke and his Circles in the Sand team will be raking a Celtic design on the beach, in front of Driftwood Shores, around noon. Denny’s sand artistry is mesmerizing and inspiring.

About the same time, the public is invited to enjoy the Brookings Kiters, who will be flying fabulous kites. Each of these activities invites others to participate, so bring kites to fly or just kick back, relax, watch and enjoy. There may even be a few extra kites and rakes available to borrow.

Saturday at 1 to 1:30 p.m., Sound Shaman Jade Rehder will be stationed at the Driftwood Shores deck on the beachside resort lawn playing her crystal singing bowls.

Gather around to take in the healing sounds of Jade’s bowls. Saturday and Sunday evenings about 5 p.m.

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