How we can criticise Donald Trump for his lack of self-reflection if we keep refusing to reflect on ourselves, Alex Vickery-Howe? Donald Trump He still thinks he can be and that’s merely one of the many absurdities of the He also thinks he’s , , (I wish he’d stop as an example) and, This is a man completely Sure, it may be ‘locker room talk’, or whatever his bros want to call it, but the nonetheless confirms that Trump cannot see himself for who he is, and he cannot open a bus door. Still, we shouldn’t criticise for or We should criticise him for his his his , his , and that led to an American As the fourth of July approaches, extends to his voter base. How are they still following this golden bidet into hell? Do they even realise that they’re betraying the founding values of their own nation? It has led me into a debate with colleagues over whether Americans I have argued that, while world history doesn’t touch the US curriculum, most Americans do know what , and most do know that the establishment of the American nation was the rejection of a classist monarchy.

Look, ...

at least one study suggests that correctly, let alone grasp That said, ‘Curriculum’ is a nebulous concept anyhow, when . What the vast majority of Americans understand, and this is inarguable, is that Independence Day is about ‘freedom’. And, if Trump sees himself as anything more and anything less than a servant of his people, He is a The Don is thoroughly, toxically un-American.
