Hamza Memon and Nicholas Panzo, students at Texas A&M University School of Engineering Medicine (ENMED), are leading an innovative project at the intersection of sports and ophthalmology to improve National Football League (NFL) officiating. Rooted deeply in Houston's vibrant sports culture, these Class of 2026 students combine their interest in ophthalmology and their love for sports to contribute significantly to a project with the NFL. The two students met during a summer engineering program and quickly bonded over their shared aspirations in sports and ophthalmology.

This friendship led them to Dr. Andrew G. Lee, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Blanton Eye Institute, Houston Methodist Hospital.

Under Lee's mentorship, Memon and Panzo immersed themselves in a novel project aimed at refining the skills of NFL officials through neuro-ophthalmologic training. Their efforts have already produced results, with two significant articles published and more to come. The first study, featured in the , presents a specially designed curriculum on neuro-ophthalmologic principles tailored for NFL officials.

The results were promising, showing a statistically significant improvement in officials' knowledge after training. This suggests a positive reception and willingness among NFL officials to incorporate these principles into their decision-making processes on the field. The second manuscript, published in , provides a comprehensive overview of existing research on neur.