Anthony Urso likes to look down on Winnipeg. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * Anthony Urso likes to look down on Winnipeg. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Anthony Urso likes to look down on Winnipeg.

The drone photographer captures stunning photos and videos of a city once referred to by a local band as a “frozen shithole.” Fiery Prairie sunsets reflected in the skyscraper glass of downtown. A rainbow of Elmwood houses under a dramatic stormy sky.

A sleepy city at daybreak, tucked under a blanket of freshly fallen snow. And on his Instagram ( ) posts, among the singular “wows” and heart-eyes emojis, you’ll often find a particular kind of comment: “I love how you show how beautiful Winnipeg is.” “Love my city more and more every day through your photos/videos.

” “You are single-handedly making me fall in love with Winnipeg again.” You could say he’s getting people to see Winnipeg from a different perspective. MIKE DEAL / FREE PRESS Anthony Urso showcases his drone photography on Instagram and it’s making people see Winnipeg differently.

“Some of the best things I’ve heard about my work are actually from newcomers to Winnipeg, whether they’re refugees or people immigrating or moving from wherever to come to Winnipeg,” he says over coffee at The Forks. “I’ve had a handful of people actually reach out to me and say, you know, I’m coming to Winnipeg,.