There seems to be no limit to the things people are willing to do in order to achieve the perfect look. Whether that’s having their own fat injected into their buttocks , getting their teeth shaved down and fitted with implants to having strips of skin from their head removed and re-inserted to treat baldness . No matter how risky such cosmetic procedures are, there are always people willing to pay the price.

Some people are now even undergoing procedures to permanently alter the colour of their eyes . This can be done in a variety of ways – such as having implants to change the appearance of their iris, having their irises tattooed or having laser depigmentation. While these procedures may give people their desired look, they also come with a whole host of risks and complications – one of which is blindness.

The iris is the coloured ring that surrounds the pupil. It’s every bit as complex as it is beautiful. It consists of two layers of smooth muscle (which we cannot control).

These muscles are responsible for shrinking and expanding the size of the pupil and iris in order to control the amount of light going into the eye. These muscles also protect the sensitive receptors cells within the eye from permanent damage. The iris also has two pigmented layers containing melanin which determine your eye colour.

There are six main recognised colours: brown, amber, hazel, green, blue and grey. If you have lots of pigment in both layers, your eyes will be a darker colour – .