WHEN your hormones are out of balance, it's not just your physical health that's affected. It can also have a significant impact on your mental wellbeing - including your ability to regulate your thoughts, experts say. 3 Hormone imbalances can cause your mind to spiral, experts say Credit: Balance My Hormones Consider yourself a serial overthinker? While this could well be down to anxiety or a panic disorder alone - it can have a hormonal cause.

And feeling extra moody or struggling to sleep ? That too may mean there's an imbalance at play. There are more than 223million posts related to 'overthinking' on TikTok, and Google searches for how to stop doing it have risen by 227 per cent in the last month. Here, hormone health expert Mike Kocsis reveals why hormones could be to blame for your rumination, and how to stop your thoughts running wild for good.

OESTROGEN Oestrogen plays an important role in mood regulation . "The most well-known example of this is PMS, where the dip in oestrogen before menstruation causes emotional mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which can lead to an increase in overthinking," Mike, from Balance My Hormones , said. "During perimenopause and menopause, oestrogen levels decline significantly, which can lead to symptoms like anxiety and depression.

"These hormonal shifts can make it harder to control intrusive thoughts, overthinking, and rumination (dwelling on negative thoughts). Most read in Health 'PATIENT NEGLECT' NHS killed .