The environmental group, known for causing disruption nationally, has planned to fly the ‘kits of peace’ at Hengistbury Head on Thursday, August 29. In a statement about the protest, Extinction Rebellion BCP said the noisy fighter jets could be “triggering” for asylum seekers. They said: “Not only does the air festival have a negative impact on the environment, with tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere for entirely frivolous reasons, but many of the planes flying are death machines.

“Built for war, many of the planes have been used in global conflicts. “Sadly, the noise of the planes flying can also be triggering for people who have fled recent conflicts to seek asylum in our beautiful town.” The kite flying is due to happen between 12pm and 2pm, allegedly ending before the show starts at 2pm.

Extinction Rebellion BCP said the protest will be “peaceful”, but BCP Council's opposition leader Phil Broadhead warned it will be otherwise. He said: "It's somewhat ironic that this planned protest from Extinction Rebellion is called 'Kites of Peace' when it's pretty clear that the aim on this event is not to unite, but disrupt. "Their own description of the event is that it is to 'protest against the Air Festival', and only a fool would deny that the ultimate aim is to add danger to the flight paths of the demonstrating planes.

"That plan is dangerous, disgusting, and shows this awful group up for what they really are." An air restriction flying zone is now i.