Learning about breastfeeding, family support, prioritizing self-care during the breastfeeding journey & flexible work arrangements can help in navigating the realities of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding, a natural and fundamental aspect of motherhood, is often depicted as a serene and beautiful experience. While it undoubtedly has numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby, the journey of breastfeeding is also filled with challenges and myths that deserve exploration.

Tanvi Chauhan, Manager (Health & Nutrition ), Save the Children uncovers the challenges and myths of breastfeeding: Challenges Faced: Breastfeeding, though natural, is a skill that requires practice and patience. Many new mothers encounter challenges, including sore nipples, engorgement, and latching difficulties. Postpartum hormonal changes can lead to emotional and physical stress, making the breastfeeding experience overwhelming for some mothers.

Additionally, returning to work or other commitments can pose challenges in maintaining a consistent breastfeeding routine. Learning about breastfeeding, family support, prioritizing self-care during the breastfeeding journey & flexible work arrangements can help in navigating the realities of breastfeeding. Myths Dispelled: Myth 1: A mother should not continue breastfeeding if she is sick - Most often, it is safe to continue breastfeeding if the mother is sick.

She needs to get herself treated and let her providers know she is breastfeeding, as well as getting .