Ninja Kamui has become one of the standout anime of 2024, captivating audiences with its intense action and gripping storyline. Directed by Sunghoo Park, known for his work on Jujutsu Kaisen and The God of High School, Ninja Kamui tells the story of Joe Higan, a retired assassin thrust into a brutal revenge mission after losing his family. The series masterfully combines Hollywood-style action with the intensity of ultra-violent anime.

If you're looking for more anime that deliver the same adrenaline-pumping experience, here are ten recommendations. Image Courtesy: IMDb Afro Samurai is a stylish, ultra-violent anime that prioritizes style over substance, much like Ninja Kamui. It follows a swordsman's quest for revenge against his father's killers.

The show features visually stunning action sequences and a rage-fueled anti-hero who mirrors the relentless nature of Ninja Kamui's protagonist. Image Courtesy: The God of High School Official Website Another work by Sunghoo Park, The God of High School, showcases incredible martial arts action and stunning animation. While not as bloody as Ninja Kamui, this anime centers on a martial arts tournament and is perfect for fans who appreciate intense fight choreography.

Image Courtesy: IMDb Known for its exceptional swordplay animation, Sword of the Stranger is a must-watch for samurai action fans. The film follows an orphaned boy and his ronin bodyguard, offering beautifully choreographed battles that capture the essence of combat's b.