The creatures that support our environment are currently disappearing from our planet's surface at an unprecedented rate. It begs serious issues about whether we are actually making progress or merely regressing. Protecting species is one way that people can help preserve the environment and maintain the balance of our ecosystem.

The disastrous and worrisome rate of climate change caused by humans, the number of natural species on our world is declining at an alarming rate. The consequences of this decline are horrifying to consider because the extinction of species is happening so quickly that it outpaces our efforts to understand and mitigate the damage. With that in mind, these are the top species that are considered in the species that are extinct in the world or are at risk of extinction and may never be seen in future generations again globally.

The rhinoceros has vanished from the face of the planet. These rhinos are now restricted to the Ujung Kulon National Park, a World Heritage site, as a result of habitat degradation and poaching. But the Arenga palm invasion also affects the region, reducing the amount of food available for rhinos to eat.

The main causes of this breed's extinction include sickness, poaching, natural disasters, and possible inbreeding. The Amur Leopard is the world's rarest big cat, with only 100 left in existence. Since 1996, this species has been listed as critically endangered due to numerous threats to its survival, including habitat loss and .