Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Humpback whales swim underwater next to a crew diver with camera. (National Geographic/James Loudon) National Geographic/James Loudon Space exploration often takes center stage in both fiction and non-fiction, which make it easy to forget that one of the most mysterious and largely unexplored frontiers lies much closer to home. Our oceans, which cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, remain an enigmatic and vital component of our planet’s ecosystem.

Oceanxplorers , a new documentary series from National Geographic, invites us to dive into the deep and discover the secrets of the oceans like never before. Premiering on August 18, 2024, this six-part series is more than just a documentary—it’s an epic adventure that combines cutting-edge science, breathtaking visuals, and the thrill of discovery. Executive produced and narrated by the legendary James Cameron, Oceanxplorers takes viewers aboard the OceanXplorer, a state-of-the-art scientific research vessel that travels to some of the most remote and uncharted regions of the ocean.

From the warm waters of the Caribbean to the frigid Arctic, this series promises to push the boundaries of exploration and deepen our understanding of the ocean’s role in our world. Why the Ocean Matters Now More Than Ever As climate change accelerates and environmental challenges become more pressing, understanding the ocean is crucial. The ocean is not just a vast expanse of water; .