The teaser-trailer of Alia Bhatt's Jigra was unveiled on Sunday and it has been receiving a whole lot of praise from celebrities. Shraddha Kapoor, who is basking in the stupendous success of Stree 2, joined the bandwagon and wrote an appreciation post on her Instagram stories. Sharing the teaser-trailer, Shraddha Kapoor wrote, " Ye toh theatre mein bhai ke saath dekhna hai (It's worth watching in a theatre with brother).

" Tagging Alia Bhatt, she wrote, " Kya Kamaal ladki hai (Alia, what a fabulous girl you are)." Praising Vasan Bala, Shraddha wrote, " Kya amazing trailer hai (The trailer was amazing)." Now, Vasan Bala and Alia Bhatt replied to Shraddha's post on their respective social media handles.

What caught the Internet's attention was Vasan Bala's apology to Shraddha Kapoor's fans. Re-sharing Shraddha Kapoor's post, Vasan Bala wrote on his Instagram stories, "Thank you so much Shraddha. Hope you and Siddhanth (Shraddha's brother) enjoy the film too.

And unrelated but I will take this opportunity to address - sorry to your fans. Bhool Chuk Maaf (Apologies for the mistake)." Well, Vasan Bala shared an appreciation post after Stree 2 released in theatres.

He mentioned the names of the entire cast except Shraddha Kapoor. The Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota director faced flak as Shraddha Kapoor's fans didn't take this omission of name in the right spirit. Vasan Bala's apology comes in the context of that incident.

Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt also wrote on her Instagram stories, "Hahaha th.