Aging is a privilege, and it comes with some responsibilities — and if you’re concerned with the health of your skin, adjusting your skin care routine is one of them. You may see some loss of volume, or more noticeable lines and wrinkles and drier skin. If you’re wondering what you can do to support and complement your skin through the various changes you will experience from age 40 onward, we have some expert suggestions.

Read on to find out what products you can add to (or remove from) your skin care and makeup routines. How your skin changes around the age of 40 “The major changes can be described in two words ― gravity and laxity,” said Dr. Kenneth Mark , a cosmetic dermatologist.

“The face begins to sag, resulting in loss of jawline definition, early jowling, loss of volume in the mid-face, and loose skin around the eyelids.” “People in their 40s experience significant dryness of the skin, so hydration is key,” said Dr. David Kim , a board-certified dermatologist based in New York.

At this age, deeper lines and wrinkles also start to develop, and collagen production slows down, resulting in decreased facial volume. “These changes occur due to aging and menopause, when you lose the ability to hold on to moisture and lipids to keep your skin hydrated,” Kim explained. The production of collagen ― an essential part of the skin’s building blocks (together with elastin, fat cells and muscles) that gives the skin a plump appearance ― actually start.