Angela Onwuzoo Towards reducing the burden of blindness in the country, medical experts have urged Nigerians to embrace the practice of cornea donation to reduce the burden of blindness in the country. The senior health professionals said there was an urgent need to address the acute shortage of corneas in the country, stressing that cornea donation could play a significant role in reducing blindness caused by damaged corneas. The experts spoke during a symposium in Lagos on Tuesday at an event commemorating the 2024 World Organ Donation Day, organised by Eye Bank for Restoring Sight, Nigeria with the theme, ‘Giving a Gift that Goes on Living’ The cornea is the front part of the eye, which is clear and transparent.

Damage to the cornea, often due to infections or trauma, could lead to severe visual impairment or blindness. The experts noted that several people in society have corneal blindness that could be corrected through a surgery called a corneal graft, using a new, clear cornea to replace the scarred cornea, and it would greatly improve their vision. They expressed worry that many Nigerians were reluctant to donate their corneas based on traditional and cultural reasons.

They, however, assured that there was great potential for cornea donation. A Consultant Ophthalmologist and Cornea Surgeon at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Dr. Ogundipe Bade, appealed to Nigerians to ignore cultural beliefs and donate their corneas when they are still alive so they could .