Cases are predicted to rise by over a third in the next 15 years, however without a designated cancer plan in place, there are fears that these figures could get significantly worse. Professor Mark Lawler, Professor of Digital Health at QUB and Chair of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership, has led evidence highlighted in a paper published in The Lancet Oncology medical journal, which is urging for the reinstatement of a national cancer control plan (NCCP) that could potentially save thousands of lives each year. At present, more than one in three people throughout the UK are waiting over 62 days for lifesaving cancer treatment, substantially decreasing their chance of survival.

A 10-year cancer plan was announced by UK Government in 2022, however it was soon discarded as a Major Conditions Strategy was introduced instead. Professor Lawler, along with other leading cancer experts, are calling for cancer care to be placed back at the top of the government’s political agenda. “Cancer is our most feared diagnosis, affecting one in two of us in our lifetime,” the Belfast-based academic said.

"We’re at a critical moment for cancer care in the UK. Will we stand by as cancer outcomes continue to decline and patients die who could have been saved, or will we take decisive steps to fix this crisis? “Our research shows that countries with dedicated cancer plans and consistently implemented policies achieve better survival rates. If there was ever a time to act an.