In 2023, the Portuguese residential tourism market went through a phase of adjustment and stabilization after periods of sharp growth. This market, characterized by an increase in resort housing prices, indicates a positive outlook for investors and buyers. The residential tourism market in Portugal experienced a 9.

8% increase in resort housing prices throughout 2023, following growths of 20.6% in 2022 and 16% in 2021. This stabilization reflects continued investor confidence and interest.

The high-end segment in resorts has reached significant prices, setting new milestones in the Portuguese real estate market. Despite global challenges such as inflation and political uncertainties, the sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience, attracting foreign investment. Portugal's ability to attract a variety of international investors, including a growing number of U.

S. buyers, highlights the country's attractiveness for residential tourism. Projections for 2024 remain optimistic, with expectations of continued positive development.

Interest from national and international investors remains high, especially in key regions such as the Algarve and Alentejo. These areas continue to capture attention due to their exclusivity and luxury offerings. The market is showing development in line with optimistic projections, and continued appreciation of properties in key areas is anticipated.

The regions of Algarve, Litoral Alentejo, Lisbon, and Porto are particularly attractive for new resid.