It's safe to say that the games industry is in somewhat of a volatile state at the moment. Projects are taking longer to complete, budgets are becoming unsustainable, and development staff worldwide are being made redundant left, right, and centre. Indeed, it seems as though Nintendo is really one of the only major companies comfortably weathering the storm right now.

One could certainly argue that its decision to hold back on sheer graphical power during the Wii era is paying off drastically as we await news on the upcoming 'Switch 2'; first-party Nintendo games are releasing at a remarkable pace with many of them selling at more-than-respectable levels worldwide. One person keen to discuss the state of the industry right now is none other than ex-Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé. The businessman shared a video from Geoff Keighley and said "Let’s talk at the 10th Anniversary @thegameawards! I have many thoughts on the state of the gaming industry!" It's unclear whether this is meant to be seen as a definitive confirmation that Reggie will be attending this year's Game Awards event, but given that he's been involved in pretty much every event since its inception, we'd say it's pretty likely.

Judging from the video shared by Geoff Keighley, during which Reggie spoke on the price of the PlayStation 3 back in 2006, we suspect that the two may be sharing a few words on Sony's recently announced PS5 Pro; more specifically the hefty $699/£699 price tag attached t.