Dr. Mike Israetel has built up a reputation for being an exercise scientist and critic. Analyzing various training programs of Hollywood stars and fitness icons, he attempts to highlight the nuances of every exercise and its purpose in the plan.

Recently, he covered Jake Gyllenhaal’s transformation and routine for the newly-released ‘Roadhouse’, going through every single exercise group to understand their role. In collaboration with Men’s Health, Gyllenhaal’s trainer, Jason Walsh, took fans on a journey through the actor’s prep to become a UFC athlete for the role. His plan was divided into different groups of exercises that focused on various goals specific to the sport.

Their goal was not only to make him look like a fighter but also to behave like one. They included several workouts that helped him nail the body language. They began the workout by spending a few minutes warming up with core movements, which Dr.

Israetel approved of, and mobility drills for not more than a few minutes could be beneficial. Similarly, when Walsh whipped out the Proteus Motion Drill machine used to simulate the movements of a fighter. Mike was impressed with the machine’s range and abilities.

The star trainer then began the actual workout that helped Gyllenhaal with the movie. Mike Israetel weighs in on Isometrics Walsh talked about including Isometrics as a part of Gyllenhaal’s workout to increase his strength and stamina at different joint angles. However, Dr.

Israetel immed.