Filmmaker Ravi Udyawar made a sensational directorial debut with Sridevi, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Akshaye Khanna starrer Mom. He is now back in action after seven years with Yudhra featuring Siddhant Chaturvedi, Malavika Mohanan and Raghav Juyal. The film has garnered curiosity among cinegoers with its stylish trailer.

Ahead of the release, the director spoke about the casting process, comparisons with Hollywood films and others things in an exclusive interview with Firstpost. Edited excerpts from the interview: The trailer has garnered appreciation for its stylish action. Apart from that, the technical aspects including the editing skills of Anand Subaya and the camera work of Jay Oza look top-notch.

Were you personally involved in the selection of these technicians? Yeah. That’s how you do it as a director. There are 2 editors in fact and in every aspect of it, as a director, you must bring all of them together to get to your vision, what you want out of for your film.

So, yeah, that’s what they did. Not just even our direction and action. What kind of action? How raw? How real? How are you gonna make those unbelievable actions to look real? You have to bring all that together to bring your A-game in and good team in the entire star cast, even makeup and everything.

You have to handpick all of them, and that’s when you get what you want. And that’s the only way to get it done. And, I also designed my own actions.

I’m an artist, so I make my own, visual art, and I .