Bollywood’s actor, Akshay Kumar, recently opened up about his relentless work ethic and why he continues to deliver back-to-back films. In an exclusive hangout session with Bollywood Hungama , the superstar shared his perspective on balancing passion, discipline, and personal priorities while staying committed to his craft. The relentless dedication to career “I have one focus mind; I’ll work until I can,” Akshay stated, emphasizing his unwavering dedication to his career.

The actor, known for maintaining one of the most disciplined schedules in the industry, revealed that he has no plans of slowing down as long as his mind and body allow him to perform. A reminder for work-life balance However, he also stressed the importance of rest and personal time. “But Saturday and Sunday should be off,” he said, highlighting the need for work-life balance.

Akshay believes that taking time off helps recharge and brings clarity, making it easier to return to work with renewed energy and focus. A mantra for sustained success When asked about how he handles the highs and lows of the film business, Akshay shared a grounded philosophy: “Be focused whether the movie works or not.” He explained that success and failure are a part of the journey, but staying consistent and determined matters more than the outcome of any single project.

This mindset, he suggested, is key for anyone looking to sustain a long and fulfilling career. Happiness, peace, service, and health Akshay also .