For holidaymakers clinging to the summer vibes, there's good news as a last-gasp autumn trip to catch some rays might be on the cards. Wizz Air has taken the time to scour Europe in search of the perfect post-summer beach spots, taking into account not just which sandy stretches are bustling with people, but also looking at the all-important factors of average temperatures and sunlight hours for the months of September, October, and November to reveal those hidden corners of coastal bliss for a late-season getaway. Delving into more than 50 European countries and their prized beaches, the budget airline developed a unique approach to gauge overcrowding.

They cleverly calculated each beach's size, factored in the dimensions of an average beach towel, and compared it to the usual number of daily visitors to estimate the amount of personal space you're likely to enjoy on your sunbed. They then ranked these alongside temperature data, devising an overall score out of 50, where a higher tally signifies a superior beach destination. Blend these findings with meteorological numbers, and Wizz Air is touting the ideal coastlines guaranteed to have enough elbow room, plus top-notch final throws of beautiful weather to prolong summertime joy, reports the Express .

Andras Rado, the spokesperson for Wizz Air, remarked: "While many know Europe's iconic beach spots like Ibiza or the Algarve, there are countless hidden coastal gems that often go unnoticed." He continued, affirming Wizz Air's.