An amazing selection of bulbs is on offer now on - just as the perfect time to plant them arrives. The online marketplace has teamed up with Hayloft to bring customers an exquisite selection of spring bulbs that will keep gardens in beautiful colourful bloom from February through to July.

As the seasons change and the (occasional) warmth of summer is replaced by the crunch of leaves underfoot and an autumnal nip in the air, it may feel as if the time for gardening is behind us for the year. For those who love to be prepared and can't wait to see their garden, balcony or window box burst into a shower of colour come early spring, then that couldn't be further from the case. Spring Bulbs - also known as hardy bulbs - are planted in the autumn , spend the winter in the ground before flowering in the spring.

While planting time varies between September and November, many experienced gardens will be planting their first batches of the year already. Thanks to protective scales and tunic skin, bulbs can survive the frosts of the winter beneath the surface of the soil, before bursting into bloom as the soil starts to warm up at the beginning of spring. Daffodils, crocus and hyacinths are beautiful spring flowers that you should plant before the end of this month.

You can also plant summer-flowering bulbs this month, as they’re made of strong stuff and won’t succumb to winter frosts. Lilies, alliums and crocosmia are all perfect to plant in September. However, you shoul.