ONLY those with a high IQ and perfect vision can find all the horses hiding in this gorgeous image. The optical illusion masks itself as an incredible painting, but seven horses are hidden in the beautiful landscape. Artist Jim Warren created the stunning image and helped viewers find the first animal right in the center.

The light brown horse walks across the sand, dipping its hooves in the water, and making itself the first of six other animals to find. However, the other creatures aren't as easy to see and the average person may not find them within 10 seconds. If you can find the horses within the time limit, you're one of the rare few.

READ MORE OPTICAL ILLUSIONS Try scanning the image by breaking it down into sections to look at every inch. Once you feel comfortable, set up a timer and see how many horses you can track down. If you're still struggling, we've added all of the answers down below.

Look to the skies and you'll see a horse-shaped cloud galloping in the air. Most read in The US Sun On the left-hand side of the painting, a horse can be found hiding in the greenery. Between the greenery and the sky on the right side of the image, a horse can be found.

Looking at the water, you'll find a wave that has taken the shape of a horse on the right-hand side. The sixth horse can be found on the right, made completely out of purple flowers. The last horse is the hardest to find but by looking closely, you can see that the horse is blended into the sand.

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