It is well known that the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light can wreak havoc on the skin. But most people don't realize some commonly used products and medications can make us more susceptible to sunburn and other adverse reactions. There are multiple reasons we should be mindful of excessive sun exposure aside from skin cancer, although that's certainly important.

There may also be some external factors that can make us more sensitive to sunlight. Kaveh Nezafati, MD, Assistant Professor, Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Common signs of photosensitivity include rashes, itchiness, inflammation, or sunburn-like symptoms and skin irritations. Although these symptoms typically resolve on their own, exposure to UV light could heighten the risk of lasting damage or skin cancer.

Dr. Nezafati explained how our everyday habits and environment can make us more vulnerable to the sun's harmful rays and offered some advice. Checking label warnings on medications Certain drugs – whether oral, topical, or injection – contain ingredients that can trigger a physical reaction when the skin is exposed to UV light, according to the U.

S. Food & Drug Administration. The severity of the reaction and how quickly it occurs depend on the dosage and the amount of time spent outdoors or in the tanning booth.

Dr. Nezafati cited blood pressure medications such as hydrochlorothiazide as a common example. "Basically, what happens is the ultraviolet radiation reacts with the medicin.