After 10 years, is still going strong. It will remind you of that like clockwork, as each year it kicks off events both new and old. Hopefully, we can help you manage your schedule.

Below is an outline of events scheduled for both tentative and concrete. Some have passed, some haven’t been announced, some have, and others we can predict because they’re annual. Here is all the details on what’s happening in Tamriel.

ESO Annual Events Other frequent events, what to expect Beyond annual holiday events, has frequent events to fill in the gaps. While the dates on these often change, some of them are rather predictable. Here is what you can expect to be doing between the holidays.

This isn’t a repeating event, but it’s important to know what it’s about. As it mentions, it focuses on the Vvardenfell region and Clockwork City DLC. Perhaps the most important part of this is that you can get the Clockwork City DLC for free if you log in twice during the month of July.

You can also get a special recall action if you complete the Vvardenfell main storyline and get the Champion of Vivec achievement. Lastly, endeavours during this period are centered around the spotlit regions. If you’re nostalgic for , it’s a good time.

Portals of Oblivion’s 10th Anniversary is similar to the Vvardenfell & Clockwork City spotlight. Except that instead of gaining DLC for free for logging in twice in the month, you get Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar pet. That’s a bit of a bummer, but it’.