The process of breathing was closely analysed by our ancient yoga masters, thereby giving birth to the wisdom of ‘Praanaayaama’. It can help you gain mastery over the easy flow of praana throughout the body, keeping you cool, irrespective of your situations and circumstances. September 25th is celebrated as ‘world lung day’.

It encourages all to take steps to make the air we breathe healthier, give equitable access to preventive services and treatments for respiratory conditions and work towards the goal of heathy lungs for all. While we talk about these goals, it is unfortunate that respiratory disorders are on a rise in India. Staying confined to an indoor environment and being glued to your screens makes our kids prone to asthma.

The rise in smoking cigarettes along with air pollution keeps the risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer always high. The hyper responsiveness of respiratory mucosa towards a variety of allergens, mostly from our industries and due to autoimmune attack, there is an increase in the rise of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). Increase of visceral fat keeps your snoring level high and makes you prone to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), where the quality of sleep is depreciated leading to feeling sleepy during the day.

There is a resurgence of pulmonary Tuberculosis in our society. In addition, many of our living spots happen to be in the areas of low air quality index. In this juncture, the pertinent question that ari.