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Are smartphones, air-con and short holidays essential? Many in S’pore say yes: Study The study comes amid growing public interest in resources needed to achieve basic living standards. READ MORE HERE Private tuition not essential, a short trip once a year is: Key takeaways from household needs study One of the top items respondents lacked was emergency savings of three months of expenses. READ MORE HERE Single family offices: S’pore, HK can collaborate in courtship of the super rich Collaboration between the two financial hubs can enhance the region’s wealth management landscape.

READ MORE HERE NDP 2024: Celebrations continue in heartland on Aug 10, with fireworks, static displays Tickets will be available for free at community centres from July 12. READ MORE HERE River Valley fatal accident: Driver could not have noticed girl running across the road, says coroner The girl was completely obscured by a stationary vehicle in the first lane, said the coroner. READ MORE HERE FAA opens probe after 2 commercial planes nearly collide in mid-air over New York At one point, the two aircraft were just 120m from each other.

READ MORE HERE T-shirt swops, workshops lined up at festival to get youth interested in sustainability Sustainability festival GreenParade at Hong Lim Park will host Singapore’s largest T-shirt swop. READ MORE HERE Teen PAB ride.