Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring about various discomforts and body aches, especially during the monsoon season due to increased humidity and fluctuating temperatures. Yoga can be incredibly beneficial for pregnant women to alleviate these discomforts and promote overall well-being. Here are the top five Yoga practices that pregnant women should consider during the monsoon season to prevent body aches.

Sukshama Vyayama (Gentle Stretching and Warm-ups) Sukhsama Vyayama includes movements like gentle neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and ankle rotations. These exercises help in improving flexibility, reducing stiffness, and promoting better circulation. Pregnant women often experience muscle tightness and joint stiffness, which can be aggravated during humid weather.

Sukhsama Vyayama can alleviate these discomforts. Following can be practiced: •Neck Rotation (Clockwise & Anti-clockwise) – 3 rounds each •Shoulder Movements (3 rounds each) - Shoulder Stretch - Shoulder Rotation (Forward & Backward) •Knee Movement (3 rounds) •Ankle Movement - Ankle Rotation (Clockwise & Anti-clockwise) – 3 rounds each Yashtikasana This posture stretches the entire body, promoting flexibility and relieving tension. It improves circulation, which is beneficial during pregnancy to reduce swelling and discomfort in the limbs.

Steps : •Lie down on your back with legs straight and arms alongside the body. •Inhale deeply. •As you exhale, raise your arms above your h.