THREE KEY NURSING FACTS: The average registered nurse salary in New Zealand is $73,354 per year or $37.62 per hour with a nurse practitioner earning up to $128,500. There are more than 70,000 nurses with practising certificates on the register - making up 36% of the health workforce.

Patients in hospital with critical needs require up to three nurses. Rob Campbell is a former Health NZ chair and the vice chancellor at AUT/Te Wananga Aronui o Tamaki Makaurau. He was a keynote speaker at yesterday’s College of Nurses Aotearoa Symposium in Christchurch.

Below is his edited speech. OPINION In these times where the deficits in health equity, in the scope of and access to healthcare, and in the wider building of healthy communities are so clear we must have real clarity on who we are as promoters of health equity and what we must do to protect and promote it..