Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday paid tribute to former PM Manmohan Singh who passed away last night. Manmohan Singh was India’s 14 Prime Ministers and one of the most respected economists. Remembering the former Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in a video message said that Manmohan Singh’s contribution to the development of India will always be remembered.
He added that Dr Singh’s life was a reflection of his honesty and simplicity. He was a distinguished parliamentarian, and his life will always be a lesson on how a person can attain success by rising above deprivation and struggle, the Prime Minister continued. He said that the former Prime Minister will always be remembered as an honest man, a great economist and a leader who dedicated himself to reforms.
He mentioned that as an economist, Manmohan Singh, provided a lot of service to the nation. During a challenging time, he served as RBI Governor and when he was Finance Minister in PM PV Narasimha Rao’s cabinet, he gave the country that was reeling under economic crisis, a new direction in terms of economy, Narendra Modi mentioned. The passing away of Dr.
Manmohan Singh Ji is deeply saddening. I extend my condolences to his family and admirers. https://t.
co/6YhbaT99dq PM Modi also recalled Singh’s life journey after his family migration to India, leaving behind everything following Partition. He continued that his life will always serve as a lesson for future generations on how someone can rise above depriva.