The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Mahmud Kambari & directors at the ministry during the signing of the performance contract Lara Adejoro The Federal Ministry of Environment has signed performance contract with Directors in the Ministry of Environment to boost service delivery and enhance performance, and efficiency in the ministry. Head of Press and Public Relations at the ministry, Ibrahim Haruna, made this known on Friday in a press statement. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mahmud Kambari conducted the signing performance contract after sensitisation and training of the nominated staff as Performance Management Champions for runners for the Performance Management System implementation and the Performance Management Team.

The performance contract is in line with the mandate and directive of the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation aimed at bringing out the best in the civil service by ensuring that every officer contributes effectively to the actualisation of the ministry’s mandate and economic growth of the country. The contract signing with the Directors of the Ministry took place at the ministry’s headquarters, Mabushi Abuja, and this will be replicated in each department to get the best from the workforce. During the signing ceremony, Kambari stressed that the PMS would provide an avenue for measuring the performance of staff on the job and provide mentorship for officers to deliver on their duties effectively.

“The PM.