The is located in the Danube Delta, in the village of Sfântu Gheorghe, a secluded nature area attracting visitors with its wetland landscapes and wildlife. In keeping with the area's characteristics, the tourism project focused on preserving the local touch and safeguarding its surroundings, Anastasiu, who took over the project in 2015, explains. From the architecture of the project, developed in accordance with the area's character, to the sustainable and ecological materials used, the resort has been designed to blend in with the surrounding nature.

At the same time, waste-reduction practices and energy-efficient systems are employed in order to ensure that the principles of responsible tourism are followed. Furthermore, the range of activities and experiences offered to visitors aims to integrate the area's unique characteristics. Among the available options are bike rides, treasure hunts, or trips in the Delta, all meant to allow guests to discover the area's meandering channels, lakes, and unique views.

With the Danube Delta being the home to numerous species of birds and other wildlife, guided tours and birdwatching sessions allow visitors to discover the area's uniqueness. These are all conceived with a focus on supporting local conservation efforts and preserving the Delta for future generations. More about this in the interview below: Sfântu Gheorghe and the Danube Delta became the home for the Green Village project due to their exceptional natural beauty and eco.