A man has been praised for getting 'pro revenge' on an entitled employee who kept stealing his lunch. He explained how he complained about the 'lunch thief' to human resources (HR) 12 times - but they didn't do anything about the issue. But when he brought it up with his doctor during a routine check-up, they came up with a plan to stop the thief in their tracks.

He said on Reddit : "I was complaining to my doctor at the yearly check-up and he got a smile saying 'You're constipated then?' "I was dumb and said 'No way' he wrote me a prescription for some holy f*** laxative with instructions to 'mix it in with your meal for maximum effect' at which point I knew the plan. I wish I could say they messed their pants but no they ate my sandwich with special avocado sauce." About an hour after lunch, he approached HR to report his lunch and medication as stolen.

Confused, they asked him what he meant by medication - and their faces turned pale after he explained. He claimed: "HR said, 'So you got hit by the lunch thief again and your medicine was in the bag?' I said, 'Yes I have had some digestive problems and my doctor prescribed a powerful laxative and advised me to mix it in with my mid-day meal'. HR going white, 'You what?' Me, smiling, 'I mixed in a prescription grade laxative with my food per doctor's orders'.

"Well, being that stealing prescribed medication is a criminal offence the police were called and found the lead man from a department absolutely s***ing his brains out..