The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized healthcare systems. A new paper in the journal Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging discusses the steps necessary to ensure AI in healthcare is used responsibly and sustainably. Study: Climate change and artificial intelligence in healthcare: Review and recommendations towards a sustainable future .

Image Credit: metamorworks / Shutterstock Background AI has been incorporated into healthcare devices, mostly in diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, interventional radiology , and nuclear medicine. Deep learning (DL) is the most frequently used AI application in such devices. DL allows models to learn from data without the operator's involvement and thus can improve diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes and increase care efficiency.

However, this computationally heavy platform comes with a high carbon footprint, which may accelerate climate change and negatively impact the environment in multiple ways. Climate change is an urgent issue, and the need to mitigate its effects and slow its rate of progression has been recognized internationally. The current review assessed the use of AI in healthcare in the context of climate change.

The pros of AI for healthcare and climate change The positives of AI in healthcare include a much smoother, faster, and less wasteful workflow and the ability to use telemedicine more widely. AI can reduce the waste of resources such as energy, time, and imaging materials by improving t.