Prayagraj : Following the news article published in TOI on July 31, titled ‘ Shringverpur Dham ghat devoid of basic facilities’, Soraon SDM Ganesh Kanaujia conducted a thorough inspection of Shriram ghat at Shringverpur Dham on Monday. The official directed subordinate officers to make arrangements for the convenience of Kanwarias and devotees during the shrawan mela and mandated cleaning to be completed within 24 hours. SDM Kanaujia expressed displeasure upon witnessing filth and garbage at the ghat, the changing room being misused as a toilet, and the inconvenience caused to devotees along the banks of the Ganga.

Observing the insensitivity of block officials, SDM instructed them to rectify deficiencies on priority. On not finding even one of the ten employees assigned to the Ganga banks, he asked officials to take necessary disciplinary action. Assistant development officer Panchayat was directed to rectify system within 24 hours, with a warning of salary deduction if the system was not set right within stipulated time.

Shringverpur Tirtha Kshetra trust president Arun Dwivedi requested SDM Soraon to arrange for barricading, establish a changing room, provide clean toilets, and shift the posts ten feet back from the Ganga ghat. Additionally, he demanded unlocking and cleaning of the toilet constructed by the tourism department. Block development officer (BDO) Liladhar Shukla was asked to initiate the process of levying taxes for cleanliness and other arrangements along .