We all feel drained at times and lack the energy to get through the day. It feels like we need a long vacation or a good rest to recharge. However, we are exhausted in a way that sleep or vacation doesn’t seem to help, leaving us feeling more run down.

Our energy levels are influenced by the vibrations we receive from our surroundings. In today’s world, the collective vibrational energy around us is very low, making it easy to drain our energy. Every action we perform, whether conscious or unconscious, either uplifts or diminishes our energy.

Among these actions, the most significant is the food we consume. Unfortunately, we often overlook the vibrational content of our food, focusing solely on taste and appearance. FOOD IS NOT JUST ABOUT TASTE In today’s day and age, food is enjoyed for its taste and presentation – and how it looks on social media.

We decorate our plates and stimulate our taste buds without considering the energy and nutrition we are putting into our bodies. This approach is the lowest way to nourish ourselves. Instead, we should prioritise the vibrational content of our food, followed by its nutritional value.

The principle “as the food, so the mind” should guide our choices in the kitchen and at the dining table. STOP THE CONTAMINATION One of the biggest sources of energy drainage is eating and drinking while distracted, such as watching TV, using a phone, or discussing problems at the dining table. We unknowingly contaminate the vibrations by .