: book review & synopsis does exactly what the title might suggest, but my goodness it’s a tangled and entertaining romp to get from one situation to the other. There are moments of high humour and deep emotion. There are twists and turns in the story.

There’s fizzing sexual attraction. But the real success of is the sensitive understanding of real people that underpins the action. I thought Flo was a brilliant character.

She is intelligent and beautiful and yet suffers dreadfully from a need to please others. Her mental health has played a big part in shaping her personality and actions, and it is fascinating how her family react to her after her breakdown. In doing their best to protect her, they inadvertently reinforce her feelings and create problems of their own.

If that sounds dark and unappealing, don’t be fooled. Laura Jane Williams has a lightness of touch, coupled with a real sense of humour that means this story zips along. Add in Flo’s friend Hope whose WhatsApp messages provide advice like Shakespeare’s Touchstone, and there’s cracking entertainment to be had from this story.

Jamie, too, is a real triumph. He’s physically gorgeous (especially as he doesn’t have a man bun), making the reader fall in love with him very early on and he blends traditional sensitivity with taciturn stubbornness to perfection. Through him the story explores friendship, loyalty and trust, adding interest to the engaging plot.

The Greek setting is glorious...

enables read.