Tom Cruise, Lebron James, Natalie Portman, John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes, Tom Brady...

the roll call of sports and entertainment A-listers spotted touching down in Paris for the summer Olympics has been one of the talking points of the 2024 games. Whoever their bespoke travel agents, Endeavor subsidiary On Location is likely to have supported these VIP trips in some shape or form. In a new model, the company, specialized in travel and entertainment packages around live events, is the exclusive hospitality partner of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the Paris games.

“Some come to us directly, some via partners in the room, whether it’s Coca Cola or Visa or NBC, some come via their travel concierge...

they all find a way to us,” Will Whiston, On Location’s EVP Olympics & Paralympics, tells Deadline in Paris. “Traditionally, the broadcasters, NBC or Eurosport, would be where talent comes through. They’ve engaged with us during these games when they have VIPs.

They know we have unique access and that we’re also part of the venue management, so we’re able to ensure that they get access in a secure manner, and that they’re also in a private setting, which is what we’re able to offer unlike past games.” Under the new model, On Location’s focus has been on creating packages combining tickets with different travel, accommodation and hospitality options at a variety of price points, in partnership with the IOC, with the purcha.