Doha, Qatar: As the world bids farewell to the Paris 2024 Olympics and looks forward to the upcoming Paralympics, the Generation Amazing Foundation (GA) proudly reflects on the impactful participation of its youth advocates and youth delegations at Festival 24. Organised by Sport Dans La Ville, this international solidarity festival, held in Lyon and Paris in the lead-up to the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, brought together over 500 young people from 36 countries, highlighting the power of sport to foster unity, cultural exchange, and social development. In line with its mission to build capacity in sport for development, GA nominated two Youth Advocates from Qatar, Mohammed Al-Qassabi and Arham Khalid, to represent the foundation at Festival 24.

They were joined by GA-sponsored youth delegations from Right To Play in Pakistan and Força Foundation in Senegal, each contributing to a vibrant tapestry of global youth leadership. Endorsed by the French Ministry of Sport as part of the Paris 2024 legacy program, the festival offered a unique platform for these young leaders to engage in a variety of cultural exchanges, inclusive sporting activities, and high-level forums, all designed to bolster their leadership skills and enhance their capacity to drive social change through sport. The experiences of the youth participants underscores the festival’s profound impact.

Al-Qassabi reflected on the value of international dialogue, stating, "At Festival 24, my biggest takeaway is the.