Emily in Paris is a quirky and fun show that revolves around the character of Emily (played by Lily Collins), who travels to Paris for work. The first four seasons of the show took viewers around breathtaking locations of the city of love, Paris. The fourth season’s part two, however, had a twist.

The show saw Emily travelling to the Italian capital Rome for a weekend getaway with her Italian beau Marcello. In the season’s part two, viewers are taken through some ancient and iconic locations situated in Rome. The show, with its stunning stills and shots, successfully managed to create buzz around Rome, its stunning architecture, and locations.

Rome is a city that perfectly blends ancient and modern. Every corner is waiting to be explored. Whether you plan to soak up the sun at a lovely piazza, enjoy stunning views of the city, or simply plan to relax, here are five best locations to visit when in Rome that are inspired by Emily in Paris .

‘Emily in Paris’ S5: Lily Collins and Ashley Park’s Netflix Series Renewed for Another Exciting Season – Reports. When Emily arrives in Rome, she visits the Colosseum. The Colosseum was once a site where epic gladiator battles were conducted.

It is an architectural masterpiece and takes travellers back in time. Absolutely nothing beats visiting the Colosseum in person. Literally no trip to Rome is complete without visiting the Colosseum.

In the show, Emily is introduced to the Roman tradition of tossing a coin in the Trevi founta.