Duality is the name of the beauty game this season. Bold, vibrant colours and the fresh-face makeup look are signature statements of the day right now. Whether lounging by the pool or attending a summer soirée, playing with opposites is the one.

Getting fresh is the phrase de jour after coloured mascaras made a comeback and deeply hydrated, glowing skin formed the it-look this season. The blush still rules along with the bronzer, but there are outliers as is the case with fashion sense. Leaving behind heavily contoured and overly matte looks, this year’s makeup is focused on elevated aesthetics, self-expression and embracing the unique you within.

This makeup trend speaks to blush applied in a way that mirrors the face of a flustered man – specifically your boyfriend – right after they've finished exercising. Instead of the apples of the cheek, 'boyfriend blush' is applied lower on the face, beneath the cheekbones from the ear towards the nose. Mimicking the rosy skin post-exercise, the boyfriend blush method is an easy way to make skin look youthful and outdoorsy.

Pulling your blush placement down slightly makes skin look naturally healthy and, when using the right textures, is a nice way to add shape to the cheeks without getting into full-on contouring. The boyfriend blush poster boys are, unsurprisingly, Prince Harry and Prince William. This trend is about going as dazzling as you desire with your makeup choices.

Blue makeup was flagged as the beauty trend to watc.