Chijioke Iremeka Medical experts have said regular health checks are crucial in reducing the risk of sudden death from non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and heart attack. The physicians noted that routine health assessments offer preventive medicine and remain a proactive approach to maintaining good health and picking diseases early. According to them, regular checkups allow for timely interventions and reduce complications from non-communicable which often lead to sudden death.

The doctors urged those aged 40 and above to ensure regular checkups if they wished to live longer and sickness-free lives. Sudden death, according to an online medical journal, ScienceDirect, is a non-violent, unexpected death occurring from a natural cause within hours of the onset of symptoms in a healthy. Speaking with PUNCH Healthwise in different interviews, the physicians said men, in particular, benefit from regular checkups as they often have a higher incidence of certain health conditions that can lead to sudden death.

A Family Health Physician at the Anambra State Ministry of Health, Dr Chidumeje Okafor, said these conditions may not always present noticeable symptoms in their early stages, making routine checkups critical for early detection. For instance, Okafor noted, that high blood pressure or cholesterol levels might not cause immediate discomfort but could lead to serious complications like heart attacks or strokes if left untreated. He emphasised that regular checkups .