old onto your hats, folks! is back in the headlines, and this time, he's playing the role of defender for none other than Telegram co-founder The tech world was buzzing Saturday after Durov was cuffed at a Paris airport, with French authorities claiming he allowed criminal activity to run wild on his encrypted messaging platform. And, of course, Musk didn't waste a second jumping into the fray. Musk, the king of controversy himself, took to X (formerly known as Twitter) with a simple but powerful message: "#FreePavel.

" This hashtag dropped just hours after the was nabbed by the authorities at Le Bourget airport, sparking debates about free speech, censorship, and the power of tech moguls. But wait, there's more! Musk, never one to shy away from a feud, didn't stop at defending Durov. He fired shots at fellow social media tycoon suggesting the boss has been cozying up to censorship demands.

Musk's pointed barb came in response to a question about why Zuckerberg isn't facing similar heat. His answer? "Because he already caved into censorship pressure." Musk didn't pull any punches, accusing Zuckerberg of allowing child exploitation to thrive on Instagram while simultaneously giving governments secret access to user data.

Meanwhile, Meta has always maintained that it complies with legal requests and insists both Messenger and are encrypted and secure. But in Musk's world, it seems Zuck is guilty as charged. Telegram founder's arrest triggers Elon Musk's support Pavel Durov, who .